Read insightful and timely articles by Dr. Ronit Molko on a wide range of behavioral health topics.

May 30
Why Businesses Should Care About ADA Website Accessibility
Following up on my previous post about the relationship between technology and autism services, I want to revisit my discussion with Daryn Harpaz, an ADA website accessibility and compliance consultant and CEO of ZenythGroup. During this extraordinary time of sheltering in place due to COVID-19 , it is particularly pertinent to focus on the accessibility …
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January 30
The Current State of Website Accessibility for Disabled Individuals – Zenyth Group CEO Daryn Harpaz
The relationship between technology and autism services has been a focus of my thinking and writing lately. It’s an urgent topic that I feel deserves attention, but it’s also led me to a broader conversation about inclusivity (or lack thereof) of technology for the larger disabled community. As our lives become increasingly enmeshed with technology—phones …
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