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Mental Health & Therapy

A therapeutic model to support healing from trauma and creating a bright future


We are witnessing an unprecedented mental health crisis is the U.S. and globally. Over 40% of parents report being extremely anxious that their child is struggling with depression and anxiety. Additionally, 2 out of 5 teenagers report feeling persistently sad or hopeless. Suicide ranks as  the second-leading cause of death amongst people ages 15-24, with 9% of high school students having made a suicide attempt.

Twenty percent of American adults experience mental illness, 25% of those report an unmet need for treatment and suicide risk continues to increase every year. 

Thirteen million individuals in the U.S. struggling with chronic PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and need effective intervention and support. We lose 18 veterans a day to suicide. 

Research on psychedelic-assisted therapy is increasingly  demonstrating its effectiveness in the treatment of depression, anxiety, suicidality, PTSD and addiction. This approach has shown success in significantly reducing and remitting symptoms associated with these disorders. As we learn more, it unveils new options for effective treatment with great benefits and minimal side effects. 

Supporting healing and growth through:

Individual and Couples Therapy

Dr. Molko provides individual and couples counseling for:

  • Preparation and Integration for psychedelic-assisted therapy 
  • Ketamine assisted therapy and pre/ post- support for Ketamine 
  • Individuals with disabilities and their families
  • PTSD ; Anxiety/ Panic; Grief and Loss 
  • Life Transitions; Mental Wellness 
  • Future Visioning and Creation 
  • Executive Coaching and Corporate Leadership 

To work directly with Dr. Molko, click here

Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

Studies are finding psychedelic-assisted therapy could reverse the debilitating effects of depression, anxiety, suicidality, addiction, eating disorders and PTSD. Through her company, Advaya, Dr. Molko works with her team to provide ketamine-assisted therapy, as well as integration work post psychedelic experiences.

To learn more about services offered by Advaya, click here 

Consulting services: Four areas of focus

Operational design: Assessing and improving operations with more efficient processes and a better customer experience

Building high-value relationships: Establishing and nurturing relationships and an intentional culture between companies, stakeholders, customers and employees to improve company and consumer outcomes and service delivery

Strategic alignment consulting: Helping to bring your vision, mission, and strategic alignment into sharper focus.

Organizational Transformation: Declaring and living an intentional company culture is the key to success.


February 27

How Can We Be Happier?

Americans today are emotionally distressed. Many are nervous about the economy, struggling to afford rent or buy a home, frustrated about the direction of the nation, feeling culturally and politically divided, socially isolated and most concerning of all, uncharacteristically unhappy. We know Americans are feeling blue because they tell us so. According to a survey …