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How Can We Be Happier?

Read insightful and timely articles by Dr. Ronit Molko on a wide range of behavioral health topics.

drawing a human head and brain with chalk symbol of mental health issues in youth
November 13

Autistic Adults and a New Market of Demands

Adoption of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) for children with autism spectrum disorders was a remarkable breakthrough in treatment that has changed the lives of people on the spectrum and those around them. It has helped countless individuals learn new skills and increase their ability to communicate and socialize. And while ABA among children can make …
Company improve its social impact work
October 11

A Social Impact Through Investment in Autism Services  

An imperative for many investors today is to do good as they do well. Socially conscious investment is fueling many sectors of the economy, from alternative energy to continuum of care communities by combining the best of the head and the heart. Savvy investors provide their business acumen and management expertise to help these industries …
Little boy standing behind the window in sad mood. Sad Teenager looking in the Window and closing his ears with hands. Unhappy child in a plaid shirt. Alone at home. Upset.
September 6

Compassion and Understanding Should Always Inform Therapy

Imagine this scenario: you are providing therapy to an autistic child and they begin to fidget, twirl their hands, rock back and forth, scream and ultimately escalate into a meltdown. They refuse to make eye contact when you attempt to engage them and continue to thrash about without apparent purpose. It is understandable to assume …
Little girl with autistic disorder playing at home, closeup of puzzles
August 17

Better Funding Through Meaningful and Standardized Outcomes

The autism services industry – grounded in a desire to help people with autism live long, happy, independent lives – is hamstrung by an inability or overall lack of interest in developing a relevant outcomes measurement system that goes beyond measures of progress for individual consumers of the services. This failure is rooted in competition …